Lesson 4: Book Making!

Lesson 4: Book Making!

Okay, I love hearing about what everyone is trying and how its going. It gives me a sense of community that is helpful at this time! None of these lessons require a virtual element besides you reading it on your device.  There is a ton of great virtual and distance stuff happening out there, but honestly, I kind of need my own computer if I am supposed to be working from home. We are all getting a lesson in sharing in this house. My suggestion is to balance the cool distance/virtual learning with some of the analog stuff that is out there too.

I said this is the first post, but I will say it again- I don’t think you should be hovering over and/or drilling your child on anything. It’s easy to let our own anxiety about health, finances, having to cook 3 meals a day for the next who knows how long feed into stuff that feels controllable, but take a step back and breathe. Let your child step back and breathe. We are freaking out, they are freaking out. That’s kind of just how it is for a while. The more we double down, the more they double down. They are weirded out by all of this!!!!!!!!

Alright, on to the lesson.

Lesson 4: Book Making!


Literacy: All of them

Other: Organization, memory, problem solving, creativity

Ages: All ages


Pens, crayons, markers, pencils, etc
Stapler, tape, etc
Process: (This should take 10 minutes to set up, and then walk away while your child works. You can do this every day with less support)
  1. Say something like, “You know, books are made by people, just like you and just like me. We should make a book! What kind of story/information book/poetry book/cook book/graphic novel (etc etc) do you think the world needs?
  2.  Brainstorm ideas! Tip: It can help to make a cover for each idea, older kids might try out a back blurb
  3. Say, “When you get stuck on a tricky word, what do you do at school?” This is both a reminder and for you to figure out what you should say. I am guessing they will say something like “stretch it out and check it” and then you nod like you knew that was what they would say and then you remind them they should do that too.
  4. They go off to work! At the end of each page, or before then, they should reread to check for spelling and clarity. You can remind them of this by setting a “reread and fix up” timer.


  • Editing and spelling are hard. Do not make it doubly hard by demanding perfection. Notice when your child did fix up something and tell them, “whoa, look at you! Why did you do that here?”
  • Ask your child, “what are you proud of in this book?”
  • Ask your child, “who is your audience for this book?”
  • If your child does not have “any ideas” Let them doodle and walk away.

That’s it! Book Making!

A Note:

I, and lots of others, work in schools helping teachers hone their teaching practices. We are, for all intents and purposes, gig workers. When schools shut down, our work ends. You can help me (And others like me) out by buying our books, scheduling some PD for yourself or your staff (if you are an admin or teacher reading this) or booking some online tutoring for your child. Thanks for your help, and I hope these have helped you.

  • Michele Velez
    Posted at 09:36h, 19 March Reply

    This is great 🙂 Hi Kristi! K teacher here. We are organically creating lessons for our students. I love your work and have met you at Paramus Institutes. Could I run some ideas by you?

    • kristimraz
      Posted at 22:40h, 19 March Reply

      Sure, use my contact form on the website

  • sharon mikolajczyk
    Posted at 12:48h, 19 March Reply

    Thank you so much! I appreciate your guidance and help! #1stgrade

  • Laila Taslimi
    Posted at 13:21h, 21 March Reply

    Hi Kristi, I’ll be recommending your lessons (one at a time and with some intro guidance) to the parents in our small community pre-K at home with their 4-5 year old children. Thank you for everything you’re doing and I wish you and your family well 🙂

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